Large Canvas Prints

Large canvas prints featuring iconic pictures showing what Bangkok would be like in the snow.

CP001 Medium Canvas Prints

Each print is 20 by 30 centimeters with a 2-centimeter border. Medium prints are 500 Baht each, including domestic postage.

CP002 Large Canvas Prints

The canvas size is 30 by 40 centimeters with a 2-centimeter border. Large prints are 900 Baht, including domestic postage.

CP003 Free-Size Canvas Prints

Canvas size can be up to a meter in width – 1.5 meters in length. The cost is 4,000 Baht per square meter including domestic postage.

To select a picture, visit to select the image or images you like.

Then write to with the FM code number and the size you want.

I will reply as to whether I have it in stock or if I need to order it and how long it will take.


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Bangkok Snow Removal Store

Beautiful Products of Bangkok Covered with Snow